marți, 15 septembrie 2009

Beat Grtin

Nu scriu citate pentru că-s plictisit sau (doar) pentru că n-am ce altceva, ci pentru că aveţi ce învăţa de la unii oameni.

  • "I'm running out of everything now. Out of money, out of veins..." - William Burroughs
  • "If you have a choice of two things and can't decide, take both." - Gregory Corso
  • "If you believe you're a poet, you're saved." - Gregory Corso
  • "I'l go so far out one day, i'll never get back." - William Burroughs
  • "I'm beat to the square and square to the beat." - William Everson
  • "We had gone beyond a point of no return and we were ready for it..." - Michael McClure
  • "I have a strange feeling i'm out of any social context." - William Burroughs
  • "Between incomprehensible and incoherent sits the madhouse. I'm not in the madhouse." - Jack Kerouac
  • "Suffice to say i just eat every 12 hours, sleep every 20 hours, masturbate every 8 hours and otherwise just sit on the train and stare ahead without a thought." - Neal Cassady
  • "Wherever i go, i see myself in the mirror - it used to be my own selfhood, now it's God's." - Allen Ginsberg
  • "Death hovers over my pencil" - Jack Kerouac
  • "I am going to marry my novels and have little short stories for children." - Jack Kerouac
  • "My fault, my failure is not in the passions i have, but in my lack of control over them." - Jack Kerouac
  • "I became the unnatural son of a few score of beaten men." - Neal Cassady

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