- Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
- Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more damned boring people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them.
- Sex is interesting, but it's not toally important. I mean it's not even as important ( physically ) as excretion. A man can go seventy years without a piece of ass, but he can die in a week without bowel movement.
- Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink.
- I don't like jails. They got the wrong kind of bars there.
Ionuţ, aştept să completezi. Serios.
le stiam pe toate, in afara de asta cu sexul :) bukowski e genial, dar mi'am adus aminte de : "Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportant."
RăspundețiȘtergere(Henry Miller.)
- If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose.
RăspundețiȘtergereUrmătoarea e pentru toţi artiştii şi ăia care citesc 10 cărţi pe lună, nu înţeleg nimic din ele, dar iubesc să folosească termeni complicaţi în fraze de căcat:
- Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way.
Pentru mine:
- It's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well.
- There will always be something to ruin our lives, it all depends on what or which finds us first. We are always ripe and ready to be taken.
- Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show you a man with detestable spiritual qualities.
Ultima e prea lungă. Încercaţi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX6JdynMW-M&feature=related